LoCo Directory

After hours of work of lots of nice people, we’re happy to announce


The LoCo Directory has been talked about for a long time now and we’re happy to release a first functional release, which is 0.1.0. In this first release we simply want to keep team data up to date.

Make sure your LoCo Team is in http://launchpad.net/~locoteams and if you are approved in http://launchpad.net/~locoteams-approved – then you can, if you are an team admin or team owner of the team, edit your team data and we can slowly replace https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList

There’s a lot of things we still need to do and lots of ideas kicking around for version 0.2.0, which will let you put up Events data for your LoCo team.

If you want to help out:

Thanks a lot to everybody who worked on the code, made designs, helped fix stuff, had conversations about it, specced it out, filed bugs and translated it. You are all awesome!

Go and try it out, edit your team data and file bugs. 🙂

[Discuss the LoCo Directory on the Forum]

Originally sent to the loco-contacts mailing list by Daniel Holbach on Fri Dec 11 16:59:24 GMT 2009

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