Search Results for: community funding

Ubuntu Donations And Community Funding

Some time ago a form was added to in which users can donate money to the Ubuntu project. Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager, has recently been working to finalize a fair and transparent plan for how the money raised from the community, upstreams, and flavors sliders can be used to benefit the most […]

Community Donations Funding Report, Q1 2014

When users visit the Ubuntu download page from our main website,, they are given the option to make a donation to show their appreciation and help further the work that goes into making and distributing Ubuntu. Donations ear-marked for “Community projects” made available to members of our community, and events that our members attend. […]

Community Donations Funding Report

Last year the main Ubuntu download page was changed to include a form for users to make a donation to one or more parts of Ubuntu, including to the community itself. Those donations made for “Community projects” were made available to members of our community who would use them to benefit the Ubuntu project. Every […]

New Ubuntu Community Donations report [Q3 2015]

Somehow I missed the fact that I never wrote Community Donations report for Q3 2015. I only realized it because it’s time for me to start working on Q4. Sorry for the oversight, but that report is now published. The next report should be out soon, in the mean time you can look at all […]

Community Donations Report, Q2 2014

Whenever a user downloads Ubuntu from our website, they are asked if they would like to make a donation, and if so how they want their money used. When the “Community” option is chosen, that money is made available to members of our community to use in ways that they feel will benefit Ubuntu. You […]