Call for IRC operators

The IRCC is now taking applications for a number of new operator positions across several channels.

* #ubuntu
* #ubuntu-offtopic
* #kubuntu
* #kubuntu-offtopic
* #edubuntu
* #ubuntu-mythtv
* #xubuntu
* #xubuntu-offtopic
* #ubuntu-bots
* #ubuntustudio
* #ubuntu-server
* #lubuntu
* #lubuntu-offtopic

(that is everything except #ubuntu-meeting #ubuntu-ops #ubuntu+1 which have slightly different rules)

If you’re active on our IRC channels and you are available, and if you’ve been aching to help, you should consider applying! You might get your chance if:

* You are great at resolving conflicts
* You are very patient. Superhuman nerve control is a basic IRC operator feature
* You can take criticism
* You are happy when helping and advising others
* In addition to the Code of Conduct and our IRC Guidelines, you are happy to also adhere to the Leadership Code of Conduct and the Operator Guidelines

In general, please do not consider becoming an operator because it could be “fun”. It is not, it’s hard work. However, it is often quite rewarding, and you get to operate with a great team of people. You don’t need to be an IRC guru, but you do need to know enough to be able to learn more.

Please be aware that *many* applicants will not become operators for various reasons. This will not necessarily be because we think you would make a bad operator. Only a limited number of operators are ever needed, some timezones are better covered already than others, and so on. We are particularly interested in applications from people who are frequently online during the 00:00 UTC to 08:00 UTC timeframe. There are quite a few people who have already applied to a team, you don’t need to re-apply we will process all the pending applications.

IMPORTANT: Please follow the application process and additionally note your available times on your wiki page. Having your wiki page listed on your LP page is also useful to aid us in finding your information.

We look forward to your applications!

Originally posted to the Ubuntu IRC Council Blog on Friday, May 4th, 2012

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